2021 - 10 - 20
Occupational safety and health audits
Occupational safety and health audits are comprehensive, documented examinations aimed to make sure that the occupational safety and health system that a company has in place ensures the comprehensive protection of employees against potential threats and that any encountered risks are properly controlled and managed.
Inspekta specialists conduct impartial occupational safety and health audits and provide comprehensive, documented evaluations of the system implemented in a company, the identified strengths of the company and areas that require improvement in the field of occupational safety and health.
2021 - 06 - 06
JAU vykdome mokymus pagal atitinkamas neformaliojo suaugusiųjų švietimo programas (darbuotojų saugos ir sveikatos klausimais, DSS), patvirtintas Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausiojo valstybinio darbo inspektoriaus įsakymu:
2021 - 07 - 26
Rugpjūčio 3 d. vyksta AUKŠTALIPIŲ mokymai! ✌
2021 - 07 - 27